Neopets Kelp

Kelp, much like The Golden Dubloon on Krawk Island, is a restaurant that sells highly priced meals. It is frequently very busy, making entering the restaurant difficult. Clients are greeted at the door by the owner, a Maraquan Scorchio, and served their food by the Maraquan Uni waitress. Kelp opened its doors on April 21, 2005.

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Welcome to Kelp! This fine establishment is one of the most popular restaurants in Neopia. If you ever become famished swimming around the depths of Maraqua, a place at Kelp would be the perfect way to satisfy that appetite. Entering Kelp Upon arriving at Kelp, a well-dressed Scorchio approaches you and introduces you to Kelp. He asks Read More »Guide to the Neopets Kelp Avatar. Giant green kelp: Giant red kelp: Giant brown kelp: Magic crystalline kelp: Spongy algae: Grey sea fern. Join neopets now!! CLICK ON THE BUTTON N JOIN NEOPETS. Cubical sea fungus. Cinder block sea fungus. Giant green kelp.

What is Kelp?
Kelp is one of Neopia’s finest restaurants. With it’s fantastic location in the centre of Maraqua and it’s delicious courses on the menu, its one of Neopia’s hot spots; everyone wants to go there and everyone wants to be seen there. That’s why it’s very hard to get into! Apart from the getting in Kelp problem, the second problem might be the huge wallet you have to bring if you want to dine there. Eating a full 3 course dinner and having a drink to go with it, will easily cost you around 70,000nps!

Getting into Kelp:
When you arrive at Kelp, the Scorchio waiter will ask you if you have made a reservation. Of course you don’t have a reservation since it’s not possible to make reservations, but you say your name anyway, it doesn’t hurt to try. Then the waiter will either tell you that the resaurant is already full, and that if you want to dine there, you really need to make a reservation next time, or you will be seated by a Scorchio Waiter.


Neopets Help

name eh?
I am afraid I dont have anything under that name. There are no more tables available, we are a very popular establishment you know. Maybe you should call in advance next time.

If you get this, don’t let it put you down, keep on trying, just keep going back and keep saying your name. You will get a moment where he will let you in there. You will see the following happening:
Miss/Mr name… Wonderful, someone will seat you momentarily.

As you click on momentarily a Uni waitress will welcome you.

The Uni Waitress:
The Uni waitress will explain to you how Kelp works.

Basically she will tell you that you can click on the four different menus on the top of the page. There are Appetisers, Main Courses, Desserts, Cocktails. You can choose one item from each menu. You do not need to pick one item from each menu, you can also just have a drink if you like, but one item from each menu is the maximum you can order.


You need to make up your mind quickly on what courses you want, if you hesistate too much and it takes you a long time to decide, you will find yourself being kicked out of Kelp and you need to try to get in again!

The Uni waitress’s sayings:
Everytime you visit the Waitress page at kelp, the uni waitress will say something
different to you, these are the things she can say:

– Welcome, I am sure that you will love the food here.
– Feel free to take your time selecting your meal.
– Hello, may I recommend the Ocean Platter today?
– Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!
– Welcome to kelp!
– The Filet of Beef is exceptional today!
– Hello, welcome to kelp.
– Mmmmm, the Fish Special is excellent today.
– I hope you enjoy your evening.
– Everything here is wonderful.

For starters you pick out an appetiser, there are 9 great dishes to choose from. Below you can see their names, pictures, description, and their price.

PictureNameCost of Item
Maraquan Cream Broth13,300Neopoints
Kelp Gazpacho15,000Neopoints
Ocean Delight Salad14,700Neopoints
Mixed Green Salad13,400Neopoints
Fresh Oysters16,300Neopoints
Angel Hair Salad13,000Neopoints
Succulent Cheese Dip14,300Neopoints
Tropical Fruit Bowl13,000Neopoints
Pate A La Kelp15,800Neopoints

Main Course:
After your appetiser you will naturally want to have a main course. Kelp has 8 great choises for you.

PictureNameCost of Item
Filet of Beef33,000Neopoints
Spicy Radish Salad28,400Neopoints
Stramberry Sausages31,200Neopoints
Ocean Platter33,000Neopoints
Fish Special32,500Neopoints
Braised Turkey Cutlet29,000Neopoints
Whole Roast Pheasant32,400Neopoints
Luxurious Vegetarian Star Pie29,100Neopoints

To finish your lovely dining evening you will naturally order a dessert. Kelp has 6 fine desserts to offer.

PictureNameCost of Item
Kelps Signature Ice Cream12,100Neopoints
Honeyed Horn Of Plenty12,000Neopoints
Peachpa and Stramberry Shell12,200Neopoints
Coral Cake12,300Neopoints
Octopi Souffle12,500Neopoints
Triple Chocolate Shell12,400Neopoints

Eating all those courses of course wouldnt be very pleasant without a drink to go with it, you can choose 10 different kinds of drinks at Kelp.

PictureNameCost of Item
Aged Tchea Juice8,000Neopoints
Funnydew Melon Delight9,000Neopoints
Lemwart Fizz7,000Neopoints
Phear Juice Tonic8,000Neopoints
Twirly Fruit Blend9,000Neopoints
Thornberry Brew7,000Neopoints
Cornupepper Lemonade9,000Neopoints
Seaweed Surprise9,000Neopoints
Foozette Juice9,000Neopoints
Blue and Orange Rambus Blend9,000Neopoints

Eating at Kelp:
When you’re done choosing the courses you want, you click on ‘Eat’. On that page you will see the items you have selected, and how much it’s going to cost you. Then you can click ‘Eat your food’. And your active pet will get to eat all the delicious things you’ve picked out for him or her. If you’re lucky your pet will not be able to eat everything, and you get to take home leftovers with you. This means you get to actually keep one of the items that you ordered and paid for. In order for this to happen you do not need to order 4 items from the menu’s but it would increase your chance of getting leftovers. If you want to increase the chance of getting leftovers, make sure that your active pet is bloated before you let him/her eat the food.

Neopets Kelp Menu

I need a nap.


I am not sure I will be able to eat everything… Can I take something with me?!? Your pet is allowed to take some home. We have already boxed up the leftovers for you!

Neopets Helpful Links

The avatar:
Getting the Kelp avatar ‘Bon Appétit’, has everything to do with these leftovers.

Neopets Kelp Avatar

Hope you have fun wasting your neopoints at KELP~!