Catan Cities And Knights Code

Game Instructions. “Catan - Cities and Knights” is a PC / Mac version of the board game “Catan” Unlike in the Catan Online World - where your opponents are real people - in this version you play against smart computer opponents. In addition to a tutorial and a quick guide in each scenario, the program also includes a comprehensive user. Supports Settlers of Catan: Cities and Knights. Ever lost a game because the dice seemed unfair? Rage Dice uses a random generator to create the rolls, but it records and analyzes every result to provide the following information: - Roll histogram - Average time-per-player histogram - Plausibility of game result based on the Normal distribution of the Central Limit Theorem - Created. Rush To Amazon & Utilize This 20% Off Code On Catan Knights And Cities. Make Your Order At A Great Discount Price With 20% Off Catan Knights And Cities Discount Code. For Ease Of Use, A Discount Coupon Already Applied At The Checkout Page.

City/settlement placement

There are only 5 different ways of scoring points in a game of Catan. The Longest Road score 2 points (requires at least 5 continuous road segments) The Biggest Army score 2 points (require at least 3 knights development cards) Cities: 2 points each. Settlements: 1 point each. There were 4 cities present, thus barbarian strength of 4. When barbarians strength is higher than that of the players, then the lowest contributor(s) all lose a city to destruction. Game Instructions “Catan - Cities and Knights” is a PC / Mac version of the board game “Catan” Unlike in the Catan Online World - where your opponents are.

Players who have to select first: Usually go for the most dots. If you were given a choice between a 10-dot settlement with only 2 resources and a 9-dot settlement with brick, lumber, and another resource then I’d probably go with the 9-dot.

The player selecting last: I would probably place the city on settlements with lots of lumber. For the settlement, go for dots and filling in the resources that you don’t have.

It is important to get an early knight. You should probably try to have at least 2 of ore, wool, and grain.

Early Game

Try to build and activate a knight as soon as possible. Losing your city would be a devastating blow to your economy. Putting in 3 resources to save 5 resources is a great deal. If a city is equivalent to a settlement, then building a “settlement” for 3 resources is also a great deal.

City on lumber

Having a city generating paper might be an overpowered aspect of the game. The science progress cards tend to be better (the military progress cards may be the worst on average). The aqueduct (level 3 city improvement) is far better than the other level 3 city improvements.

Catan cities and knights crack

If you have a city on lumber, look only for cheap expansions with lots of dots. With the aqueduct, your return on investment with further settlements is not as great as it nullifies your aqueduct’s ability. Lean more towards ore and grain to build more cities as cities do not nullify the aqueduct.

Early trading


Personally, I think that it is way too early to worry about taking down the #1 player. It is way too early to tell who is most likely to be in contention in the endgame. If you have a key resource that somebody else needs to build a knight, I would try to trade 2:1 or 3:1 with them.

Barbarian defense / defender of Catan

In general, I don’t like vying for defender of Catan because it is highly likely that another player will vie for contention. This means that you waste a lot of resources for a low-probability chance of winning one measly VP.

I would avoid going for defender of Catan unless you have a progress card that pushes your down that track (e.g. deserter, smithy). Of course, all this depends on how likely other players are to vie for contention (personality, strategy, whether they draw politics/deserter and science/smithy, and whether they have an abundance of ore, wool, and grain). Generally speaking, I would avoid vying for defender too early in the barbarian track. You can be more certain about winning further along the barbarian track.

Metropolis strategy

Catan cities and knights rules

The player with a city with the most dots for a particular commodity is the most likely to win a metropolis race with no trading. If the opponent has a large dot advantage, it probably isn’t worth vying for that particular metropolis. If it is close but both players share the same numbers, then obviously the player with more dots will ultimately win the metropolis. If it is close, it may or may not be worth it to trade resources for the particular commodity to get ahead in the metropolis race.

The problem with going for the metropolis is:

  • You may not get it, wasting resources in the process.
  • If you are in the lead, other players will likely try to help your opponent take the metropolis away from you.

Cockblocking versus self-improvement

Catan Cities And Knights Rules

In general, it is usually better to improve your position than to try to sabotage other players. It is unlikely that you will win by being great at sabotaging other players. While Catan is a zero-sum game where there is only one winner, there are usually too many opponents to worry about. If you sabotage one player badly, you still have other opponents to contend against. One simplistic way of looking at it is that gaining 1 VP for yourself is equivalent to sabotaging every other opponent for 1 VP. In a 4-player game, gaining 1 VP is equivalent to sabotaging 3 VP. It is far easier to gain 1 VP than to sabotage 3 VP (e.g. by vying for defender of Catan three times).

Another reason not to sabotage is if it is likely that other players or the robber will do it for you anyways.

Conversely, other players may spend too much time and effort on sabotaging other players even if this is a suboptimal strategy. If this is the case, you should aim for VP which can’t be taken away from you. Try to avoid going for the longest road, defender of Catan, Metropolises, using your merchant card early, etc.

Watch other players’ strategies

Catan Cities And Knights Rules

If two players are vying for the same VP, it can be helpful to play them against each other by trading them the resources/commodities that they need to compete against each other. If you simply talk to opposing players about their situation, you will focus more attention on their competition. This can cause them to be more competitive against each other (which hurts them both).

If another player has no way of getting one resource (or an abundance of it), you may be able to trade on very favorable terms with them.

Catan Cities And Knights Code

Catan Cities And Knights

Midgame and endgame

Catan Cities And Knights Code Book

You have to work backwards to figure out the optimal strategy for the current situation. How much competition will there be for each metropolis? How much competition will there be for defender of Catan? Etc. etc. The attractiveness of those VP depend on the competition for them.

This is just my opinion, but building cities is a great idea. It is resource efficient at 5 resource / VP. And like settlements, cities improve your economy. This makes ore an important resource in the mid and endgame. You also need to build cities because there is a limit (5) to the number of settlements you can build. It is a good idea to have access to all 5 resources as you need a little bit of everything to build your first knight, settlements, and cities.