The Walking Dead Season 3 Game

Brought to us by Telltale Games, The Walking Dead Season One is a masterpiece of storytelling in video games. While in the same universe as the movie and comic books, The Walking Dead is its own thing. There are many people who will argue that the story which is told in this game is better than either the TV show or the comic book.

  • The Walking Dead: A Telltale Game Series - Season One. Summary: The living will have to survive amongst the dead in this game based on The Walking Dead, the widely acclaimed comic book series.
  • The Walking Dead: Season 3 or as it is really known, The Walking Dead: A New Frontier moves the story on a few years. Fans of the series were waiting for what felt like forever for this game. I would say that it is fair to say that of all The Walking Dead games that Telltale released, The Walking Dead: A New Frontier has the most mixed.
  • Feb 17, 2021 The Walking Dead Season 3 happens a couple of years after the occasions of the subsequent game. Something that is generally critical about this game is the new playable character. A few people were not ready to give, Javi a possibility, however I very like him.

Meet Lee Everett

The Walking Dead Season 3 Game Download Torrent

The Walking Dead: Season 3 or as it is really known, The Walking Dead: A New Frontier moves the story on a few years. Fans of the series were waiting for what felt like forever for this game. I would say that it is fair to say that of all The Walking Dead games that Telltale released, The Walking Dead: A New Frontier has the most mixed.

The character that you play as in The Walking Dead is Lee Everett. He is a well-educated university professor and he is on his way to jail after being convicted of murder. Right from the start, the game does a great job of getting you to connect with Lee. You make small talk with the officer who is driving you and then BAM. You hit a walker and Lee’s whole world gets turned even more upside down than when he got convicted of murder.

It All Matters

By now most people know the formula of one of these games inside and out. However, when The Walking Dead was released in 2012 it was quite a different story and many people were blown away with the way the game played. This is not an action shooter like you would think a game about zombies would be.

This is a story driven game that actually has more in common with point and click adventure games than it does anything else. Lee can talk to many different people and there is always a choice of what you can say. What you say matters greatly as does what you do. Sometimes it can have a really dramatic effect on what happens next.

In theory, this means that The Walking Dead is great for multiple playthroughs and it is. I though think that the first play through that you make, where you make all your choices on pure instinct is really magical stuff.

Hi, I Am Clementine

Shortly after the first episode begins, we come across who would become the real main character of the series, Clementine. She is a little girl who has been left alone after her parents went to stay in a hotel for the weekend and her baby sitter got killed by a Walker. Lee and Clementine strike up a friendship right away and he agrees to take her to Savannah where she thinks her parents are.

The relationship between Lee and Clementine is one that is really special and one of the best that I have ever come across in a video game. You really would do anything to protect her and the game really pulls at your emotions.

Take Charge

As well as Clementine, you come across many other characters who are memorable. My favorite has always been Kenny and I found that I sided with him through pretty much everything that happened. You, of course, lose members of your group along the way and there is a scene with Kenny, his wife and their son that is truly heartbreaking stuff. It was one of those things where the first time I played the game I was latterly stunned at what I had to do.

The Walking Dead Season One is spread across five chapters and I really do not think that there is a weak one in the bunch. They are all so strong that I would actually struggle to pick a favorite out of them all as they all have something that makes each one special. You can control Lee and make him move around, interact with stuff and talk to people. There are also some sections where you get to use a gun and have to do something a little more action packed.

I really cannot praise The Walking Dead Season One highly enough. Very few games can get you at an emotional level as this game can. While some choices do not matter, many of them do and you sometimes regret the choice you make and feel bad about what happened as a result of it. If you are one of the few who has still not played this game, what are you waiting for? I would recommend that you play through all five chapters one after the other as the story packs way more punch that way.


  • One of the most emotional rollercoasters I have ever been on
  • There are Characters that you love and hate
  • Each chapter has its own feel
  • You feel that some of your choices really do matter
  • The voice acting is incredible
The walking dead season 3 game lee


  • The game is pretty emotionally heavy
  • A couple of choices feel like they do not matter
Overall rating: 9.5

This The Walking Dead walkthrough is divided into 6 total pages.

The Walking Dead Season 3 Game Kate

You can jump to nearby pages of the game using the links above.

Episode Three - Long Road Ahead

In this episode, there are severals tricky part that you have to go through. No worry. It's easy as long you follow the steps given. :) Click 'Next Page' to proceed.

Firstly, go to the jeep. Walk near to it.

Once you near enough. The camera changes and also another option appeared at the winch. Look carefully and use the winch.

Then, go back to jeep and use the winch control.

Climb on the jeep.

Suddenly, a random girl appeared. Decide whether to kill her or leave it to the zombies.

Take as many items as possible. It doesn't matter what you take.

Now, jump over the counter. Be prepared for the zombies attack just after you jump over it. After the second attack, you are safe.

When you can control Lee again. To proceed, get inside Lily room. Talk to her. She will start talking about someone stealing items among them.

You have to walk to the left. But it was blocked by some things. You have to get around the RV.

Go to the left and walk up trough the small path in front of the RV.

When you reached here, inspect the broken glass on the floor.

Then, inspect the Chalk X.

Go talk to others about the chalk.

Now, go to the gate at the right side. There, you have to inspect the chalk scuff.

Push the gate and go outside.

Continue to walk to the right.

You have and will find this. Open the grate and take the bag there. A cutscene will be played.

Choose your words carefully.

It will be two bandits here. Headshot them.

The Walking Dead Season 3 Game Cast

Next, at the right side. Shoot another three bandits.

Decide to shoot it or not. :)

This time, you have to be fast. Aim for the zombies head and shoot. When few zombies were killed, quickly turn to the left. Do the same for both right and left side and do not stay too long at the same side.

On the road, Lily start to accuse people about the problem before. It's actually this dumb Ben who do it but you can't get rid of him now.

This one is funny part. No need to defend yourself. Just let Clementine bite you. You'll wake up instantly.

This prob can be easily solved. Firstly, use the ladder here.

Get inside the cab.

Look at the notepad.

Talk to Clementine about the pencil. When she said in the RV, go there and take it.

Take this pencil near the driver seat.

Return again to the cab and use the pencil at the notepad.

The Walking Dead Season 3 Game Pc


This instruction is pretty straightforward. You have to start with 6th panel first. Keep this notepad and look around the cab for 6th panel.

This is it. Use the switches to match that inside the notepad.

Down, down, up, up, up, down, up.

For number 5, just turn the left dial.

For the 9, go to the first door from the left. Open it.

Turn left and then turn right. It will work now but this train attached to wrecked boxcar. You have to get rid of it.

Now, open the door next to the door before (2nd from left).

Take spike remover.

Enter this boxcar.

Take this map and a bottled water to the right. Give it to Duck.

Now walk around the train. There is a car.

Hmm animal crackers? Maybe someone needs it.

Use the ladder and get inside the cab

The Walking Dead Season 3 Game Free Download

Use this throttle. It will unlock the next action.

Go here through the boxcar. And use you tools before to pry the coupler pin. It will works now.

After the conversation here, just walk to the train ladder. A scene will automatically started.

After all things about Katjaa and Duck finished and you already talked to Chuck about Clementine, now you have to teach Clementine how to shoot and trim her hair. But first, take the bottle of whiskey. You'll need it later. Then talk to Clementine and do what you've to do.

Give the bottle to Chuck.

Talk to Kenny and select the first option.

Now you can take the map here.

Then talk to Chuck again about the map you found before.

Talk to Clementine again and decide what to do when you reach Savannah.

Two new people will join your group. To move on, this time go to the train station at the far back there.

Keep going and you'll find a door.

Look at the top window.

Look at the gap.

The Walking Dead Season 3 Game Buy

Two zombies from nowhere coming to have a bite. Walk back while keep punching both of them.

When you in range to take the tools, take it and use to kill both zombies.

Now grab the blowtorch.

Go here. Use the ladder.

Open FRS truck.

Search the truck.

Start cutting the metal. Use the tape to fix it.

Zombies are coming! Quick jump over the rail. [END OF CHAPTER 3]

More The Walking Dead Walkthroughs

This The Walking Dead walkthrough is divided into 6 total pages.