Plex Photo Library

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Plex Photo Library
  • 1 day ago Photo Date showing as Date Added to Library (vs file date) Help. Most photos appear in the Timeline view as the date the photo was taken. However, it appears that 'phone screen shots' and maybe some others all come in as the date they were loaded to the library vs the date on the file. There is no 'refresh metadata' for Photos, just Analyze.
  • Jul 31, 2019 Scanning a library makes the Plex Media Server check its folders and sub-folders for new or removed media. If it finds new or unmatched media, it then pulls it into the library and fetches metadata for it. You can think of scanning as “check for new or changed content and get metadata for it if needed”. You should Scan Library Files if you.

Server Version#:
Player Version#: No idea. Latest Plex app on iPhone.

Hi all. New to Plex. Love it. The app successfully shows every video in the library I scanned.

However, none of the photos appear. When I click on the folders in the Plex app on my iPhone that are supposed contain the .jpeg photos on my hard drive, the screen reads “No content” and shows a picture of a shark smiling and watching TV.


I do not know if I did anything in the settings to cause this.

FYI, the .jpeg files aree 200-400 KB and about 1086 X 724 in dimension in case that matters.

Plex Remove Photo Library

Plex Photo Library

Plex Videos In Photo Library

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thank you much in advance.

I’m completely newbie to this product but I started to love it. My question is kind of general … not sure if I’m missing something so please correct me if I’m wrong.
I’m running PMS on Linux Ubuntu 11.10. In Photo section I was able to provide the path to all my folders in PC which have pictures. I was very surprised that all pictures are in one pool i.e. they are not organized hence I can’t select pictures based on some criteria. I expected that they’ll be in the same folders I provided path … but it’s not.
My question: does it work that way or I’m doing something wrong?