Microsoft Wants To Use Your Confidential Information

Microsoft Wants To Use Your Confidential Information

  1. Microsoft Wants To Use Your Confidential Information Stored
  2. Microsoft Wants To Use Your Confidential Information Stored In Microsoft Office Credentials
  3. Microsoft Wants To Use Your Confidential Information
  4. Microsoft Wants To Use Your Confidential Information Stored In

Microsoft Word Wants to use your confidential information stored in I'm a happy user of MF Office in my Mac since few years. Before a week I bought MacBook Pro and installed Office 365. From the date of installation, I'm tiered of Microsoft Word Wants to use your confidential information stored in this message. I have a popup message that says Microsoft Excel want to use your confidential information stored in 'Microsolf Indentity (then a long number) in your keychain. I tried to Deny but it is still there a read more.

From what I've found by checking around some, there's a functional

connection between Adalcache and Microsoft product support.

Microsoft Wants To Use Your Confidential Information

Microsoft Wants To Use Your Confidential Information Stored

An example where appears; so its likely

windows based and could run in software in macOS; perhaps in

bootcamp or run Windows in a Mac. (where reference appears)

A search I found brought up a few pieces; here's one:

Microsoft 365 and Office. Search Community member: 'I started getting the

following message a day or so ago, 'OneDrive wants to use your confidential

information stored in 'adalcache' in your keychain.'

'..When the Microsoft Authentication Library for iOS and macOS

(MSAL) signs in a user, or refreshes a token, it tries to cache tokens

in the keychain. Caching tokens in the keychain allows MSAL to provide

silent single sign-on (SSO) between multiple apps that are distributed

by the same Apple developer..'

Since I'm not into this, I've stumbled across bits and pieces, in places.

So to focus in Microsoft, this comes up; in association with their stuff.

Not sure this does anything, except 'authentication-using-adal-for-net' is a part.

Microsoft Wants To Use Your Confidential Information Stored In Microsoft Office Credentials

Good luck & happy trails!🌤🐝

Microsoft Wants To Use Your Confidential Information

Microsoft Wants To Use Your Confidential Information Stored In

Microsoft Wants To Use Your Confidential Information

Sep 23, 2020 3:38 AM