Gear Template Program

GearDXF 3.1.1 (latest) GearDXF 2.1. GearDXF is a utility which outputs a DXF file containing a 2D outline of a spur gear using specified parameters. The tooth face is a true involute curve, but the base gaps between teeth are rough. Good for modeling spur gears. A brilliant piece of software, related to spur gear profiles, is GearDXF. This discretionary grant program is designed to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. GEAR UP provides six-year or seven years grants to states and partnerships to provide services at high-poverty middle and high schools. GEAR UP grantees serve an entire cohort of students.

Help / how to use it / about

This free online gear template generator is designed for making scale accurate paper gear templateswhich you can glue onto wood and then cut out with a bandsaw.I recommend printing the gears with an ink jet printer. Even cheap ink jet printers print veryscale accurate but not all laser printers are accurate.

Legend (What do the fields above mean?)
Tooth spacing
Number of millimeters from one tooth to the next, along the pitch diameter.

Gear 1 teeth:
Number of teeth on gear to render for gear. Controls left gearwhen showing two gears. Enter negative value for ring gears.

Change gear 1 to a linear gear (rack). You can also make the othergear a rack by entering '0' for the tooth count.

Measured cal distance (mm):
After printing a test page, measure the distance between the linesmarked 'this should be 150 mm'. If it's not 150 mm, enter the valuein this field to compensate for printer scaling. The next printoutshould be the correct size.

Contact angle(deg):
The pressure angle of the gears. For gears with smaller number of teeth, setthis a bit larger, to get more sloped teeth that are less likely to jam.

Gear 2 teeth:
Number of teeth for the gear on the right, if rendered. The checkbox controls whetherone or two gears are rendered.

Two gears:
When printing templates, it helps to have just one gear shown.

Show the gear with spokes. Spokes are only shown for gears with 16 or more teeth.

Shaft hole dia. (mm):
What size to draw the shaft hole.For inside (planetary) gearing, set this larger than the gear todraw a circle around the gear

Show rotated:
Rotate the gears shown slightly. Useful for checking the fit of gears at differentangles when showing two gears on the screen. Use values 0 to 100 to indicate percentageof one tooth advance of rotation.

Print gears:
This function hides the text at the bottom of this page and tells your browserto start the 'print dialog' to print this page.

Show pitch diameter
Show the pitch diameter of the gears. The pitch diameter is the effective diameter ofthe gear.

Show line of contact
Shows the pressure angle, and the base radius.

Show cm grid
Show a 1 cm grid. Use the 'printed page width' to scale exactly to your printer

Turn the gears on the screen. Good for checking meshing of gears with small numbersof teeth.

Dividing plate mode
Sometimes you just want to divide a circle into something like 17 equal parts,and the gear template is handy for that. Checking this option just draws thedividing lines and no gear teeth.

Getting the printout to scale correctly, avoiding cropping

Different browsers print at different scales depending on browser type andprinter configuration. The default scale should be correct for firefox, Internet explorer 10 and Google Chrome.If the scale is not correct (that is, the grid is not 1 cm increments), measure the distance thatis labeled 'If this is not 150 mm...' in millimeters and enter it in the field 'Measured cal distance'.

Use an ink jet printer
I recommend using an ink jet printer. The colour registration requirements of ink jetprint heads requires manufacturers to make sure the image is not stretched in either direction,so even cheap ones are quite scale accurate. Some laser printers stretch or distort.

Printing the gear templates
To print the gear template, use the 'Print' button, instead of printing the web page from the browser. The print button hides those parts of this page that you don't want to print, then brings upthe print window. To get the sizes specified to be correct, it's best to print a test template, and then measurethe distance between the lines at the bottom of the image, and enter that under 'Measured cal distance'.Only enter this once (the value will reset). Subsequentprintouts should be scaled so that the millimeters are exact and the grid has 1 cm spacing.

Gear Template Generator Program

You can buy a downloadable
gear template generator.
More features, runs on your PC
This program only prints what fits on the screen. To fit more, you can zoom out in your browseron a PC by holding down the 'Ctrl' key and puhing the '-' key.
For gears larger than a sheet of paper, the gear is offset from center. If your gear has aneven number of teeth, you can print it twice and paste the halves together. If the number ofteeth is divisible by 4, you can print it 4 times and paste together. You can print gears upto 40 cm (16') in diameter this way.

The gear generator program that I created and selldoesn't need the scale calibration, and can paginate across many pages for larger gears.

Some notes about gear design and this gear template generator

This template generator is intended for generating paper templates for cutting low precision gears from plywood, phenolic, or other suitable materials with a band saw.

This gear template generator generates shapes for involute spur gears. Involute spur gearshave involute shaped teeth. The best way to explain how the involute is formed is to selecttwo gears, and check the 'show line of contact' checkbox. The red line will show the lineof tooth contact for the given gears, as well as the base circles. The gears work as thougha string was unwound from the right gear's base circle, and wound onto the other base circle. A point on the string essentially traces the involute of the teeth. Note that the teethalways make contact along the red line, and exactly perpendicular to the line. The angle of thisline with respect to vertical is the pressure angle ('Tooth angle' field in the form above)

The gear tooth generation is not perfect. Normally, one rounds the tips of gear teetha little bit, which this program doesn't do. Also, for gears with less than about 10 teeth,and low tooth angles, it's sometimes necessary to narrow the teeth at the base (undercut)or to alter the geometry (profile shifts). So some combinations with gears of small numbers of teethmay overlap, or jam if they were real.You can check to see if the gears would overlap by selecting the 'animate' and 'two gears' checkboxes for your gears and watching them turn. My non-free gear program will automatically calculate the necessary undercut to makethe gears mesh.

Ring gear / planetary motion gears
You can also generate templates for inside gearing, such as would be used for planetarymotion gears. Simply enter a negative number of teeth for one of the gears, and that gear will be an inside gear. Select a large number for the shaft diameter whenmaking a template to get a circle around the gear. For more about how to work outthe number of teeth and ratio, see this note on planetarygear ratios and calculations

Rack and pinion gearing
You can also generate rack and pinion gears. Just enter zero for the number of teethof a gear, and the program will draw a straight gear rack instead of a gear forthat gear.

The involute shape of gears is very important for gears that run at high speed. However,for wooden gears with more than 12 teeth, it doesn't matter as much.Even if you don't cut the gears with an involute shape, the template generator is stilluseful as a form of protractor usingthe 'dividing plate mode' for dividing the circle into even intervals.For an example of a different method of cutting gears, see my Wooden gear cutting jig

Any questions? You can email me at

More projects with wooden gears:

Note: The website link below shows many examples of features in Gearotic and lets you explore its capabilities. Should you find a Virus warning on downloads, this is not uncommon with some scanners. Should this cause concern, please request an invite to the gearotic forum where you can discuss how to elimate that warning should it occur.

Trial our new Website in DevelopmentHere

Gearotic 2.0 is now online and has replaced GearoticMotion. Gearotic has grown a great deal over the past few years. It is now not only a gear template generator, but can create objects for 3d printing, design clock escapements, tabbed boxing, circular and non circular gears and even Celtic Knots. We hope you enjoy the new and added functions of Gearotic. It continues to grow and have features added and upgraded at users request. Its demo is free and showcases the programs capabilites. We consider it an adjunct to CAD programs of all types and hope it helps you in your design work..

Gear Template Generator Program Crack

It is our hope that G2 will allow what in the past could be done by dedicated hobbiests to be done by the more casual hobbiest. Gearotic is written by Art Fenerty, the original creator of the Mach series of machine controllers. It is supported by Art , and by Bob Landry, a fellow Gearhead. Our forum is meant for anyone interested in making gears easily, and we hope it becomes a gathering spot for users to share their ideas or results. So whether your interest is in clockworks, window openers, whirlygigs or rube-goldberg machines, we hope you find a comfortable spot to meet and discuss such things.


Gear Template Generator Program Gratis

Our licenseing model is simple, once licensed you never pay again. All upgrades are free and user advice is used during development. Gearotic is more of an interest group than a normal software company, as with Mach3 the program grows around the community of its users. We welcome you to join and help us to provide to the community an easy access to some of the more complex shapes desired from cad systems without the pain normally involved in learning such systems.