Doom 3

A Classic Remastered Developed by id Software, the original team responsible for the franchise legacy, DOOM 3 BFG Edition features Achievements, improved rendering and lighting, and a new checkpoint save system allowing for smoother progression through the game. Id has fine-tuned the controls bringing even more intensity to the DOOM 3 experience along with the addition of the new armor-mounted. Doom 3 is a sci-fi horror fantasy first-person shooter computer game developed by id Software and published by ActiVision. Set on November 15 and 16, 2145 on Mars, Doom 3 is a horror focused game unlike previous action-packed entries. Doom 3 had a long development schedule dating back to 2000, with a well-received demonstration at E3 in 2002, 2003 and 2004. The game was finally released in. Although Doom 3 is not perfect, the 3D graphics engine upon which it is built sets a new, jaw-dropping standard that makes this game a must-have. In addition to adding multi-player action via xBox live, or via networked consoles, the Xbox version of Doom 3 also adds a great two-player cooperative mode.

Doom 39

Doom 3 Total Conversions

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Linksto Doom 3 Walk-throughs
Wantto know how to solve the Doom 3 maps? Check out some of these links:
Doom 3 Guideby Grawl
Universal HintSystem
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Let me knowwhere the link is and I will add your link to this page

Doom Wad Stationhosts the most complete collection of Doom3 Total conversions anywhere on the internet. For even more Doom 3 content, check out the /idgames link in the menu above!

This site needs your help. In order for this site to survive, it depends on the generosity of it's users to help by contributing to assist in offsetting the cost of hosting, time, etc... help doom wad station to keep bringing you high quality reviews and downloads please consider a donation today.^

September 1, 2016

Updated by the developer and released on December 26, 2019

Doom Reborn! (updated)

This is a total conversion born of the original Doom and Doom2 games. The team is attempting to the best of their ability to remain faithful to the original games as far as the music, sounds, textures, etc... The team is now on Pre-release Beta (EARLY) 1.6 and is still going strong - perhaps the only active Doom 3 Total Conversion still going at it! Go Team! Click on the pic!

May 24, 2016

I was doing some searching and came across several new releases that I thought you would all be interested in.

The first is Arx-End of sun. It is a Doom 3 total conversion but does not require Doom 3 to run as they have essentially created an entirely new game out of the original source code and changed everything else as well. As they explain...

'Arx - End Of Sun is a new free and fan made game that is based on the first person dungeon RPG : Arx Fatalis developed by Arkane Studios. In our game world you will play out the events ( with a liberal dose of poetic licence ) that precede the original story of Arx Fatalis. You will no longer require a copy of Doom3 to play Arx - End Of Sun. We are now running on a custom version of the engine code and we use no assets from any commercial titles in our game.'


The ARX Website is sadly gone. :-( Download the current version

August 3, 2014 (doom date 20.7541)

I ran across this total conversion during one of my many attempts to scour the internet for all that is doom. It's called 'perfected doom 3'. from the description:

it attempts to completely overhaul the entire game with new monsters, rebalanced weapons, rebalanced monster stats, better graphics, new gameplay features such as “Deadly Attacks,” blood and gore tweaks, ragdoll tweaks, map tweaks, and more. Every weapon and enemy looks, acts, and feels better.
This mod does increase the overall difficulty of the game, which makes it great for Doom 3 veterans looking for a challenge.

You can download the file here: Doom Wad Station idgames doom 3 section

Mar 6, 2014

Welcome to the Doom Wad Station Doom 3 total conversions page. I update this page on occasion as I get the chance. Many of the mods developers keep me up to date with their progress and I attempt to keep track of new stuff as it occurs. Hopefully, this resource will help you find some nice conversions to play and will get some of these groups some needed notoriety. Please enjoy.

Have a doom 3 total conversion you're working on? Email meand let's get it noticed!

May 10, 2014

This total conversion was brought to my attention thanks to some attentive folks over at doomworld and i couldn't be happier that they did. the total conversion is called fragging free and is a single player adventure that incorporates some awesome new weapons (and more) along with some truly well designed maps to bring you a super addictive experience. enjoy! Click on the pic to check out more pics and get the download!

Mar 6, 2014 -

I was super excited to find this total conversion for doom3. based on the movie prometheus, the author obviously spent a large amount of time attempting to pay tribute to that film. And, considering it is one of my favorites, i was really hoping for a good experience. I was not disappointed. check it out.

Feb 22, 2014 - My first new add to the Doom 3 total conversions page since getting dws back online! it's called doom3: phobos and takes place between doom3 and roe. the creators state it has been in development for 8 years and rumor has it that it might actually get released (finally) this year. You can get the full low down on moddb

This mod is attempting to get all the creatures and weapons and such from Quake and place them into the Doom3 environment. I gotta tell ya - they're off to a great start. The first map for the project is called Shamblers Castle. Have fun!

I can't even begin to explain how excited I was when I came across this project. This total conversion for Doom3 is absolutely incredible and deserves all the attention I can draw to it. It's called Phantasm for Doom3 and is based off one of the great cult horror flicks of all time. If you've never seen it, I suggest googling it and finding what it's all about. Click on the pic to get the download and learn more!

The author of this mod sent me a link to the file, etc... so I got around to checking it out. It is called Doo3 to Doom2 and sets out to make Doom3 playable on older machines. You'll have to check it out for yourself to see what I mean.

In Memorium of 'Lynch'. It's just a symbol, really, of many failed projects. I thought I would leave this picture here, however, to memorialize the loss of this promising looking total conversion

Find out more at theirwebsite!

Here's one of the first COMPLETE mods for Doom3. It's calledDoom3 - In Hell, be certain to give it a shot. It's a big download however - 340 megs.

In Hell Download

Last Man Standing coop!

Last Man Standing Coop Mod is a Doom 3 Single Player and Multiplayer modification that aims to bring back the classic Doom experience. Our LMS Mod gametype is survival in nature where you face swarms of attacking monsters to the adrenaline pumping energy of heavy metal soundtracks. We also fully support Single Player Cooperative play through the SP Coop gametype. Click on the pic below for ALL the downloads!

Into Cerberon! (updated Feb 8, 2014)

Into Cerberon is a mod for Doom 3 that will bring the six-degrees-of-freedom action of the classic FPS game series Descent into the high-powered graphics engine of Doom 3.

Click the link above to go to the below (validated on Feb 8, 2014)

Green Tech! It looks pretty interesting. Click on the pic to find out more!

I validated this link on Feb 8, 2013. The author states, however, that he will be removing the project from the internet. with that in mind, I am placing downloads here for your enjoyment. enjoy his site while it's still there! Click the downloads link below to get the project files

This one is called Chex Trek. Unlike many who are porting to

uake 4, these guys say they are dedicated to completing the project

Apparently, this project isn't quite as, er, dead, as it appeared. After more than a year where the project completely disappeared and I thought it was dead. I was premature apparently. Here is the new website:

The Chex Trek BetaThe Chex Trek Beta for Macintosh Computers

2021.An insignificant number in thegreat expanse of time.Except for this number represented the year 2021anno domini;the year man left his infancy.No longer would he sleepquietly though the night,rather to be awakened by the stirrings of anunquenchable thirst.And it was that thirst,that drew a stumbling childfrom the comfort and saftey of where he had been,into the long darkhallway of the unknown.!

Here is the first Doom 3 TC I cameacross in my searches. It is called 'The Evil - The Dead Shall Rise' Itlooks pretty cool. Click on the pic to check it out!

Again, if anyone is aware of this being active, please let me know!

Here's another one I ran across called 'Aftermath'. The guy developing this Doom 3 conversion doesn't have his own website but posts his pics and links to downloads on Planetdoom.

Here's another Doom 3 mod I foundcalled Doom3 Fortress. The concept art looks interesting. Something tokeep an eye on! Another mod destined to die an early death? This is getting redundant - yet another casualty that will never see the light of day! What a shame.

Doom Dude was kind enough to bringthis Doom 3 total conversion called 'The Dark Mod' to my attention.Check it out!

updated 2/8/14 - glad to see that this mod is still in production and the link works! Enjoy!

exen - Edge of Chaos MOD download

Dungeon Doom! Comes HIGHLY recommended. Require patch 1.3

Update 2/8/14 - apparently this was hosted on DWS many moons ago. I have downloaded and included the final version of the map in those pages.

This mod - called Sapphire Scar has some beautiful looking screenshots as you can see below. They say on their site 'We're a hybrid FPS/RPG creating a total conversion for the Doom 3 engine.' It looks to be interesting. I can't wait to see more.Well, so much for that - they're gone. Another one bites the dust. More is the pity.

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