Comment A Block In Vba In Excel

VBA code for adding blocks in AutoCAD from Excel. The code is actually a loop; most of the code is used to initialize the AutoCAD object, as well as the active/new drawing. Note that the InsertBlock method here is used with a small variation: the RotationAngle must be given in degrees. The conversion – degrees to radians – is being done. Excel VBA Comment. Commenting a line in VBA is a very simple yet useful option from a programmers perspective. Sometimes, we often struggle to comment on a line irrespective of how good we are in programming. Comments can be used to pass the instructions to the user about the code or function or some statements in a laymen language.

  1. Comment A Block In Vba In Excel Using
  2. Comment A Block In Vba In Excel Function
  3. Comment A Block In Vba In Excel Example
  4. Comment Block In Vba Excel
  5. Comment A Block In Vba In Excel Cell
  1. Hello All, I'm having a problem with making multiple lines of code a comment, instead of having to go line-by-line-by-line with an asterisk to turn into a comment. My reasoning is i want my macro to skip lines so I can test another set of code. I do not want to copy/delete to a clip board and then paste back in.
  2. Commenting a block of code in VBA Posted on September 26, 2013 by dougaj4 One way is to manually place an apostrophe at the start of every line in the block. A much easier way (I just found out today) is.

VBA Comments in VBE

Comments are used in VBE to document the purpose of the procedures, functions, logic’s, and variables. It helps other programmers can effortlessly work on the same code in future. Comments are ignored by the interpreter and compiler and does not affect performance while execution. It is good programming practice or habit to begin all procedures or functions with a comment describing what it does. When you change any existing code details (statements), remember to update comment as well what it does.

You can also add comments to your code by preceding the text with the REM keyword. However, the Single Quote (‘) symbol and the Comment or Uncomment buttons are easier to use. It occupies less space in memory. Commented line always highlight in green color in the code window.
Note: While debugging lines or statements of code we can comment temporarily. The statements can be Uncommented afterwards. It is one of a useful technique to save processing time.

Here are the two methods to add comments to statements in Excel VBE
Method 1: Any line or statement starts with a Single Quote (‘) is treated as comment in VBA.
Here is the simple example for your reference.
‘Here is simple example to comment code

You can also insert a comment at the end of the statement. Please find below example.

Method 2: Any line or statement that starts with the keyword ‘REM’ is treated as comment in VBE.
Here is the simple example for your reference.

The Comment Block and UnComment Block buttons on the Edit toolbar are very useful for commenting or uncommenting multiple lines of code in one shot.
Comment Block : Adds the single quote ( ‘ ) to the beginning of each line in the currently selected statements.

UnComment Block : Remove the single quote ( ‘ ) from the beginning of each line in the currently selected statements.


Excel VBA Tutorial:

Comment A Block In Vba In Excel Using

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This online training blog shows how to add comments to VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code. The ideas shown work in Access, Word, PowerPoint and all other MS Office applications, but the diagrams come from Excel Visual Basic.

An example of commented code in Visual Basic for Excel

Writing Comments

Any comment in VBA begins with a single apostrophe character ('). When you type in a comment and press the Enter key, the line will go green. For comments spanning multiple lines, you'll need to type the ' key multiple times:

Note that there is one other way to get multiline comments, and that's to use an _ underscore continuation character after all but the first lines:

Comment A Block In Vba In Excel

It seems easier to this owl just to use repeated apostrophes!

Note that comments don't have to start at the beginning of lines:

Comment A Block In Vba In Excel Function

Anything after the apostrophe in each line will be ignored by VBA

Changing the Colour of Comments

If you don't like the colour green - change it! The first thing to do is to go into the VBA editor's options:

Comment A Block In Vba In Excel Example

First, go into the VBA code editor's options dialog box as shown on the left.

Comment Block In Vba Excel

Now choose to change the colour for your comments as follows:

Comment A Block In Vba In Excel Cell

To change the comment colour:

You can also comment out code, as described in the next blog in this series.