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Jan 02, 2021 Download Cain & Abel for Windows 10 (64/32-bit) PC/laptop. Download Cain & Abel (latest version) free for Windows 10 (64-bit and 32-bit) PC/laptop/tablet. Safe Download and Install from the official link! Cain & Abel 64-bit and 32-bit download features: Cain & Abel direct, free and safe download; Latest version update. And Cain spoke to Abel his brother, and it came to pass when they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and slew him.1. In short, Abel was a shepherd and Cain was a farmer. Cain brought an offering to G‑d from the fruit of his harvest, and Abel brought from his firstborn sheep.


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Jewish World Review

The World’s First Murder: A Closer Look at Cain and Abel — Thomas Edison and the glassblower

By Rabbi David Fohrman

To sophisticated moderns, the Bible can sometimes seem like a collection of fairy tales. No longer.

Combining a careful reading of the text with ancient rabbinic analysis, the author takes us behind the scenes in Scripture, revealing a startling tapestry of meaning in stories that many have written-off as fiction.

As before, he has designed the series to be interactive. You are encouraged to pose questions and offer comments. Try to stump the rabbi — he'll respond!

The seventh in a series | The year is 1879. The place, Menlo Park, New Jersey.

You are a glassblower. But it is a mere job, you are quite sure — not a life's calling.

Orphaned at a young age, you dropped out of high school to take over your father's glassworks shop. Since then, you've reliably provided for your mother and sisters, and you are proud of that. But sometimes, late at night, you lie awake. You've never quite shaken off the urge to be a part of something larger than this.

During the years you've spent in your humble shop, the realms of industry and technology have exploded with innovation. The telegraph came into being just a few years ago, and the world will never be the same. Things which seemed the stuff of science fiction are becoming a reality. It is all happening in your lifetime. You would give anything to be a part of it.

Alas, though, fate and fortune had other plans. Day after day, you ply your trade, and customers come and go. But one day, something curious happens. A man comes into your shop that has an unusually keen interest in the work you are doing. He looks at the delicate balls of hollow glass you've constructed, and he compliments you on your skill. Then he tips his hat and leaves.


One night about a month later, you are walking home from work when something catches your eye. All the houses are dark, save one. At the far end of the block, a light emanates from a living room window. You walk on by to investigate the possible danger — perhaps a candle has been left burning unintentionally — and are startled to find that the source of the light is not a candle at all. Instead, there is a man hunched over a glowing ember, enclosed in glass. The ember is white hot, its shine is terrifyingly bright, but strangely, it doesn't seem to be burning…

Suddenly, the ember flares and the man recoils. The glass shatters, and the house is plunged into smoky darkness. You hurry away, but in the glare of the ember, you caught a glimpse of the man's face. It was that fellow you met in your shop a month ago.

That night, you can't stop thinking about the strange light. A voice inside you tells you that something momentous is afoot. You feel that somehow, on the sleepy streets of Menlo Park, the world is about to change forever.

Following last week's installment we were again flooded by reader participatory mail!

Please click HERE for an 17-minute presentation in which the rabbi highlights and responds via Real Audio to a sampling of your exceptionally smart and perceptive questions.

As this series was designed to be interactive, we encourage you to challenge the rabbi. Don't feel shy about doing so! Use the link in the bio at the bottom of this article to e-mail him.

You throw off the covers, pull on a bathrobe, and hurry down the street to that house. The man opens the door and greets you with a smile. 'I've been waiting for you', he tells you with a wink, 'I could use the services of a good glassblower'.

At three in the morning that cold December night, Thomas Edison tells you everything. You hear about his quest to harness electricity to create a lasting, reliable form of illumination. For the first time, he tells you, people will have the benefit of light without the aid of the sun or a flame. He shows you his sketches and his calculations. He is almost ready to unveil his invention. But he is missing just one thing. That is why, he tells you, it was so fortunate that you showed up at his house this evening.

For Edison's new 'light bulb' to actually work, the ember — or the filament, as he called it — needs to be encased in a complete vacuum. There can't be any air whatsoever in the inner chamber or the filament will ignite and the device will explode. He needs, he tells you, the services of a good glassblower; someone who can create a hollow ball of glass filled with a perfect vacuum.

You tell him you can do it, that he's come to the right man. You've been making glass ornaments all your life, and it's not so hard to suck the air out of the sphere as you seal it. You return to his shop the next evening, and you easily encase his contraption in the clear, sealed chamber he had been looking for. Edison turns a switch and the dream he told you about takes shape before your eyes. The carbonized sewing thread inside the crystal orb begins to glow steadily and evenly. The seconds turn to minutes, and minutes to hours. The light continues to shine. You and Edison had done it.

Days later, you both invite the entire neighborhood to Edison's makeshift garage laboratory. You and he have rigged it from end to end with wires and with these new-fangled 'light-bulbs'. It's a moonless night and the sky is black, but with one flick of the switch, all that changes. The entire laboratory is illuminated with the light of a hundred tiny suns. The men and women who have come to watch erupt in spontaneous applause.

Your dream has come true before your eyes. The age of the incandescent light-bulb has dawned, and you, the humble glassblower from a small New Jersey hamlet, have been a part of it. What more could you ask for?


The story seems to be a happy one. But it won't necessarily end that way. Troubled waters may lie just below the surface of this idyllic little scene.

The trouble begins with this:

Your partnership with Mr. Edison may have started with a chance encounter, but it is not a trivial opportunity. Its possibilities touch the core of who you are and what you want to be. Glassblowing is all very nice, but you don't think that's what your life is truly about. What's really made your stay on earth meaningful, you feel, is this great opportunity to create on a grand scale — this chance to boldly seize nature by the throat and make something new out of it; to harness the fearsome power of lightning in a little glass ball and transform men's lives forever.

Now, stand back for a moment and consider this:

What happens when something you make means so much to you that you view the wondrous creation as an expression of your deepest self, that you feel a need to assiduously safeguard it; that you see yourself not merely as its 'creator' but as its 'acquirer', as its rightful owner?

On one hand, there is nothing evil or malevolent about making this jump from 'creator' to 'owner'. But it creates certain challenges. Especially when that which one cherishes was not made by him alone, but was made in partnership with someone else.


The first great challenge one faces, it seems to me, is whether one will see this partnership for what it truly is, not just how one might wish it would be.

Let's talk about you, the glassblower, and Mr. Edison. Who is the major partner in this endeavor, and who is the minor partner?

Well, let's see. Edison came up with the idea, sketched out the plans, did the calculations, spotted the pitfalls, planned how to correct them, and designed the first working model of the light-bulb. And you were the glassblower who filled an order for a ball of glass with nothing inside.

It seems pretty clear that you are the minor partner. But that's not necessarily how you would choose to see it. It is a difficult thing to be the junior partner in your life's dream. And in any case, there is another way to look at things:

It's been five years since my first, fateful meeting with Edison. As I'm leaving the office one day, I glance behind me at the words emblazoned across the entry way to our new corporate headquarters , 'Edison & Fohrman Electric Works'. And for the first time, I feel vaguely uneasy.

'How come it has to be 'Edison & Fohrman Electric Works'?' I wonder to myself. 'Why sure, the sign guys had to put one of our names first, and 'E' does come before 'F' if we follow alphabetical order — but really now, couldn't it just have easily have said 'Fohrman & Edison Electric Works? I mean, let's face it. Thomas is a nice guy and all, and far be it from me to actually bring this up with him, but, you know, he'd never be anywhere without a good glassblower like me in his life. Why, he'd still be out there in his garage with all those exploding light bulbs going off all around him. Sure, he came up with all the plans, but it is one thing to think of things, it's another to put them into practice. You know, I really should talk to those sign guys about reversing those names…'.


Eve's exclamation in the wake of her delivery of mankind's first child may well have been an attempt to grapple with this very dilemma. How does one balance the burning passion to create new life, the sense that one's destiny and reason for living is bound up with this mind-boggling ability to create a new man, with the reality that one is the junior partner in this enterprise?

Eve declares that she has 'acquired' a little man with G-d — kaniti ish et hashem. As we noted last week, the word 'et' seems to convey the kind of 'with' that normally signifies an unequal partnership; a partnership of subject and object, of actor and tool. But the precise meaning of Eve's phrase is difficult and elusive. Who, exactly, is the actor, and who is the tool?

Does she mean that G-d is the primary partner and she, the vehicle by which the child came to be, is secondary? This would certainly seem to reflect the reality of the situation. G-d is the architect of the system of reproduction; He designed it, and He alone stands behind its intricate biochemistry. Eve brings this design into the world in a practical sense; she is the glassblower, as it were, providing a vehicle through which the Almighty's artistry can find its physical expression.

Perhaps, this, indeed, is what Eve means. From a translation standpoint, there is reason to believe this is so. The word 'et', when used to mean 'with', may well mean 'along with' — as in 'I went shopping along with you'. Here, I am clearly secondary to you; the sense of the phrase is that I am tagging along with you. Something like this, for example, seems to be what the Bible has in mind when it says that Joseph was shepherding 'et' his brothers (see Genesis, 37:2). Joseph was shepherding along with them; he was tagging along, as it were. Similarly, Eve may mean that she has created this little man along with G-d, the primary creator.

But it may not be so simple. As a matter of fact, even in the case of Joseph, it may not be so simple. Look again at that verse about Joseph and his brothers, and this time, let's see the words in their larger context:

Joseph was seventeen years old, and he was shepherding 'et' his brothers through sheep…and he brought back bad reports [about his brothers] to his father.

There is something incongruous in that sentence. What is it supposed to mean that Joseph was shepherding along with his brothers through sheep? Yes, you heard right, that is in facr what the Hebrew says. The Hebrew prefix 'b', placed here before the word 'sheep', signifies either 'through', 'with', 'concerning' or some other similar preposition. None of these words easily make sense in the verse, and indeed, the phrase 'shepherding through sheep' appears nowhere else in the entire Five Books of Moses.

The verse, I think, seems to suggest a secondary level of meaning. On the one hand, yes, Joseph is shepherding along with his brothers, and what they are shepherding is sheep. But on another level, what Joseph is really tending is not sheep at all. He is tending his brothers — and he is doing it through the medium of sheep.

Let me explain. Think about what Joseph is really doing in this verse. He is using the opportunity of shared work-time with his brothers to bring back reports about his brothers to their father. Thus, while ostensibly shepherding with his brothers, he is in fact tending them — using sheep in order to do so. The brothers are more like the direct object of Joseph's shepherding than co-subjects along with Joseph.

When it comes to Eve, a similar kind of double meaning may lie in the verse. On the one hand, Eve declares that she has created this child along with G-d. But recall that G-d appears after the word 'et', in a spot usually reserved for a direct object. Perhaps a secondary meaning whispers something else: That Eve has 'acquired' this child, and that G-d, her partner in this act, has been the means through which she has been able to do so. She has used the services of G-d to bring about her dream.

The difference between one meaning and another is subtle. But it is not inconsequential. For while meaning 'A' and meaning 'B' may seem very close, it may be that the discrepancy between them becomes fully recognizable only in the next generation — in the hands of the man named for Eve's word 'acquire', in the hands of Kayin / Cain. Indeed, how Fohrman views Edison is not just an issue of attitude and perspective. It also influences how I act towards Edison. It influences the kind of gifts I might choose to give him.

And therein, I believe, lies the key to understanding the mystery of Cain's rejected offering.

Comment by clicking here.

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The rabbi's earlier series of twelve articles, 'Serpents of Desire: Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden', is now available as an e-book from Now, save $100 when you buy the full library of tapes and CDs by Rabbi Fohrman — only at

Rabbi David Fohrman teaches Biblical Themes at the Johns Hopkins University, and directs the Hoffberger Foundation for Torah Studies. His intriguing talks on a wide array of Biblical themes are available on tape and CD at


What kind of ‘with’?
Living the dream of Eve
Blood on the ground
Echoes of Eden
The enigmatic genius of Cain
A Closer Look at Cain and Abel
Sure, the Bible is holy, but does it really mean anything?

© 2005, Rabbi David Fohrman

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Question: Why did God reject Cain's sacrifice in Genesis 4? Was a
Clearly, we will see from Scripture that it was Cain's failure
Cain, 'If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?' Therefore it
right. Cain's attitude was also unacceptable for he followed his own
thought was best. He had pride, rebellion and self-righteousness. He
ground was cursed. He denied that he was a sinner by bringing a
And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare
Gen 4:2
And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper
The Bible does not devote much information about Cain but God's
desires of Cain.
Cain was the first born child of Adam and Eve. He was a religious
was not what was required to cover his sin. The Bible
'without the shedding of blood, there is no remission for
Some would disagree with me and would say that sin offerings were
being Holy, is the same yesterday, today and forever and the
of the blood of an innocent lamb or bullock, then why would Adam
acceptable and what is required for a sinful man to approach a Holy
Genesis 3 and this is where He must have told them what an
children everything that they knew. We know that they did for Abel
Lev 17:11b '...for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the
Throughout the whole Old Testament, we find that man was required
their sin-- for every man is a sinner and has sinned. Only Jesus never
offered up His life for our sins and rose from the dead. (See Isaiah 53
'The way of Cain is the way of a man who
Cain was a 'tiller of the ground'. He was a farmer, a gardener. Cain
younger brother, Abel, was a shepherd. He was a keeper of the
Abel's sheep provided clothing, blankets, etc. (Remember that it was
chicken, veal, etc. Genesis 9:3)
Gen 4:3
And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of
Now in verse 3, we read that 'in process of time it came to pass' that
likely was not the first time that they made offerings unto the Lord
Gen 4:4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of
Abel brought the firstlings (notice plural) of his flock...the firstborn--
brought 'the fat thereof' which indicates a sin offering. The Bible
By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent
righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet
How by faith? Abel offered his sacrifice by faith knowing that his sins
said it would be so. Romans 10:17 says,
So then faith cometh by
Dr. J. Vernon McGee confirms this when he says:
'God had to have
its significance] or this boy Abel could never have come by faith,
(TTB Commentary Vol. 1, page 29)
Jesus called Abel 'righteous' in Matthew 23:35; That upon you may
righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom
Now how is a sinner found righteous in God's sight? How are we
Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith
in his blood
, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins
Rom 5:9
Much more then, being now justified by his [Jesus']
we shall be saved from wrath through him.
Colossians 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood,
Ephesians 1:7
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the
Hebrews 13:12
Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the
1John 1:7
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have
the blood of Jesus Christ his Son
Old Testament saints looked toward Jesus the Messiah-- The
on Jesus--
that He is the promised Messiah fulfilling the Messianic
And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to
Gen 4:5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And
God had no respect for Cain's offering and Cain became very angry
Again, the reason why God rejected Cain's offering was because it
God. Cain wanted to come to God on his own terms and in his own
very first religious man-- who attempted to approach God by his own
'he [Cain]did not worship God in an
labor of his hands, the fruit of his toil. He tried to please God by
did not remember that the ground was cursed.'
As It Was So It Shall Be, pp.53
Cain brought the fruit of the ground to the Lord, the attitude being
worked so hard
and made something beautiful out of it...'
It is almost inconceivable how bold Cain was. He was puffed up with
the father of all man-made religions. Religion has always been man's
God is the Only Savior.
Revelation 9:20 records the scene of the end times when evil men
will not repent of the works of their hands
... 'repented not of the
Abel put his faith in the Lord, trusting God that his sins would be
acknowledge that he even was a sinner-- he trusted in himself-- that
'If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?'
God was, in kindness, telling Cain what will happen if he continues to
Gen 4:6
And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and
Gen 4:7
If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou
and thou shalt rule over him.
The Lord cared so very much about Cain to ask him, 'Why art thou
thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.
'and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall
God was very merciful in warning Cain of the consequences of his
Cain obviously disregarded what God had to say and
because verse 8 tells us what Cain did
'In spite of Cain's bitter anger,
only 'do well,' which undoubtedly meant to 'obey His word.' If he
Thomas L. Constable says, 'crouching at the door' probably means
person who opens the door to temptation.'
'The consequences of his reaction to God's correction are more
Mathews, p. 270.
Before we go any further, it must be said that Cain did not fear God.
Lord. Though the Bible is silent on the subject, many speculate that
brother, always being told by Adam to 'watch your little brother...'
which explains the sacrifice he made-- the fruit of his own labors.
have no wisdom. Therefore one must conclude that Cain had no
fear of the LORD is the beginning of
Proverbs 8:13
The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and
Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom:
Proverbs 15:33
The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom;
Proverbs 16:6
By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear
Cain was puffed up with his own pride but Abel had faith in God and
have been one of the contributing factors in Cain's hatred for his
Abel comes along and says, 'Cain, maybe you could do it this way. It
Gen 4:8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass,
brother, and slew him.
It is interesting that after God talked with Cain, 'Cain talked with his
The two brothers took a walk. We don't know how long after the
the Bible says, 'and it came to pass' which could mean that it might
that Cain was boiling mad and the anger was just building inside of
deadly intent. One bible commentator says that Cain slew Abel into
'A primitive root; to smite with
[death], make [slaughter], slay'
Gen 4:9 And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother?
God gave Cain a chance to confess. God asked him, 'where is your
rejected. I am filled with pride in thinking MY WAY is always right.
This repentance never took place.
sarcastically answered God and covered up his sin.
Please note that the Hebrew word for keeper is not 'babysitter' but
properly to hedge about (as with thorns)
guard; generally to protect, attend to, etc.
Wesley comments about this verse: 'God knew him [Cain]to be
his crime; for those who would be justified before God, must accuse
Basically, what Cain was saying was, 'Do I guard him and protect
nothing about Abel, nor did he love him:
1John 3:11-12
For this is the message that ye heard from the
who was
of that wicked one
, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he
Gen 4:10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy
Gen 4:11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath
Gen 4:12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield
Gen 4:13 And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater
Gen 4:14
Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of
and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one
Notice that Cain did
not repent of his murder but rather
He showed no remorse for the
would do to him. The selfish heart of Cain-- always thinking about
Had he repented, the Bible would have most definitely recorded it.
younger brother. Cain was only sorry that he 'got caught'.
So it is today with many criminals (but not all) who are imprisoned.
that many of these criminals repeat the same despicable acts over and
Sin separates us from God. Cain put his own words into
serpent in chapter 3. (God never told Eve, 'you cannot touch the
Gen 4:15
And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever
LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
Though Cain did not deserve mercy, God had mercy upon Cain. God
commanded by God in Genesis, chapter 9, for those who murder
And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and
The Bible continues in chapter 4 to record Cain's ancestors. The
son that men began to call upon the name of the Lord. Genesis 4:26
'And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called
The Bible warns us about 'the way of Cain'. The way of
Jude 1:11
Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain,
the gainsaying of Core.
Cain was rebellious. He did not fear God. Cain was the first religious
But just as one cannot tell the earth to stop turning, man cannot
humility, admitting that he is a sinner in need of a Savior. Cain
throughout the Scriptures that ONLY GOD is Savior and Him alone.
We cannot come to God by our own works or merit. The Lord Jesus
'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
in him should not perish, but have everlasting
but that the world through him might be saved.'
One can only approach God by faith-- faith in His Only Begotten Son
Lord Jesus Christ and that He shed His blood for our sins! Leviticus
'...for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.'

'In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the
The way of Cain is the way of unbelief. Cain reaped the seeds he had
end. Everyone who does not put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
from God -- in the Lake of Fire. The Bible tells us that God cannot
washed in the blood of the Lamb, will spend eternity apart from God.
Rev 20:15
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life
Those who receive the Lord Jesus as Savior will be saved for they
shedding His own blood.
Rom 5:9
Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we
saved from wrath through him
Eph 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the
Eph 2:13
But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are
nigh by the blood of Christ.
Dear reader, you cannot run from God. God knows all of your hiding
shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the only way to heaven. One may create his own religion, as
redemption by blood. He WAS FILLED WITH PRIDE and thought
faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
-- that He, being sinless, shed His precious blood for your
sing unto the Lamb, (the Lord Jesus):
Rev 5:9
And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take
redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and
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Messiah Jesus - Traced Through The Hebrew Scriptures
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