Automator Actions Office 2016

Set up an automatic reply. Select File Automatic Replies. Note: For Outlook 2007 choose Tools Out of Office Assistant. In the Automatic Replies box, select Send automatic replies. Optionally, set a date range for your automatic replies. This will turn off automatic replies at the date and time you enter for the end time. Salmela’s Automator action converts a DOCX file into a PDF from the right-click menu, making it a lot easier to convert the file, then open it up. The windows version of office 2016 comes. After installing Office 2016 for mac, I could not find any office related actions in Automator. Note that I had already tried re-install etc.


Automate sending, receiving, and managing emails of an Outlook account

Launch Outlook
Retrieve email messages from Outlook
Send email through Outlook
Process email messages in Outlook
Save Outlook email messages
Respond to Outlook mail message
Close Outlook

Getting started with Outlook actions

For PCs with an installation of Outlook, users can manage the mailboxes of their accounts with the Outlook group of actions.

After creating an Outlook instance with the Launch Outlook action, use the Retrieve email messages from Outlook action to get the messages from a specified account and mail folder. In the figure below, the action retrieves all the email messages from the folder Tickets which is in a subfolder of the Inbox. The filters have been configured to search for email messages from a specific address, further specifying the contents of the subject with a previously defined variable. Any attachments are also saved.

The Process email messages in Outlook action processes email messages retrieved by the Retrieve email messages from Outlook action. The Outlook instance, account, and retrieved emails variable are required to use this action. Select whether to Move, delete or mark as read as the operation to perform.

Store Outlook email messages locally by using the Save Outlook email messages action. Specify the Outlook instance, account, and messages to save via variables, as well as the format and location to save in.

To close the instance of Outlook opened with Power Automate Desktop, use the Close Outlook action.

Outlook actions

Launch Outlook

Launch Outlook and create a new Outlook instance

Input Parameters
  • This action doesn't require any input
Variables Produced
OutlookInstanceOutlook instanceThe specific Outlook instance for use with later Outlook actions
Failed to launch OutlookIndicates a problem launching Outlook

Retrieve email messages from Outlook

Retrieve email messages from an Outlook account

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Outlook instanceNoOutlook instanceThe Outlook instance to work with. Specify this variable in a 'Launch Outlook' action
AccountNoText valueThe name of the Outlook account (data file name) to work with
Mail folderNoText valueThe name of the folder to retrieve messages from. Enter the full folder path for subfolders (ex: InboxWork)
RetrieveN/AAll email messages, Unread email messages only, Read email messages onlyAll email messagesSpecifies whether to retrieve all messages in the folder or only the unread ones
Mark as readN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecifies whether to mark as read all the unread messages retrieved
From containsYesText valueThe full email address of the sender whose messages to retrieve. Leave this attribute blank to retrieve all messages regardless of the sender
To containsYesText valueThe full email address(es) of the recipient(s) (separated by space or semicolon if more than one) for the messages to retrieve. Leave this attribute blank to retrieve all messages regardless of the recipient(s)
Subject containsYesText valueThe key phrase to find within the email subject. Leave this attribute blank to retrieve all email messages regardless of their subject
Body containsYesText valueThe key phrase to find within the email body. Leave this attribute blank to retrieve all email messages regardless of their content
AttachmentsN/ASave attachments, Do not save attachmentsDo not save attachmentsSpecifies whether to save the attachments of the email messages retrieved or not
Save attachments intoNoFolderThe path to save the attachments of the retrieved emails into
Variables Produced

Automator Actions Office 2016 Product

RetrievedEmailsList of Outlook mail messagesThe retrieved email messages for later processing. The variable contain a list of Outlook message objects
Failed to find Outlook accountIndicates that the specified Outlook account doesn't exist
Mail-folder specified not valid in OutlookIndicates that the specified mail folder isn't valid
Directory for saving attachments not foundIndicates that the directory to save the attachments into doesn't exist
Failed to retrieve email messages from OutlookIndicates a problem retrieving the email messages from Outlook

Send email through Outlook

Create and send a new email message through Outlook

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Outlook instanceNoOutlook instanceThe Outlook instance to work with. Specify this variable in a 'Launch Outlook' action
AccountNoText valueThe name of the Outlook account (data file name) to work with
Send email fromN/AAccount, Other mailboxAccountSpecifies whether to send the email using the specified account or a different one, for example from a shared mailbox
Send fromNoText valueThe name of the Outlook account to send the email from; for example, a shared mailbox.
ToNoText valueThe email address(es) of the recipient(s). To enter more than one email address, separate the list of addresses by spaces or semicolons
CCYesText valueThe email address(es) of the CC recipient(s). To enter more than one email address, separate the list of addresses by spaces or semicolons
BCCYesText valueThe email address(es) of the BCC (hidden) recipient(s). To enter more than one email address, separate the list of addresses by spaces or semicolons
SubjectYesText valueThe subject of the email
BodyYesText valueThe text of the body
Body is HTMLN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecifies whether to interpret the body of the email as HTML coding
Attachment(s)YesList of FilesThe full path of any attachment(s). Enclose multiple files in double quotes (') and separate them by a space character
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Failed to find Outlook accountIndicates that the specified Outlook account doesn't exist
Failed to send emailIndicates a problem sending the email
Attachment not foundIndicates that the specified attachment(s) don't exist

Process email messages in Outlook

Move or deletes an email (or a list of email messages) retrieved by a 'Retrieve emails from Outlook' action.

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Outlook instanceNoOutlook instanceThe Outlook instance to work with. Specify this variable in a 'Launch Outlook' action
AccountNoText valueThe name of the Outlook account (data file name) to work with
Email messages to processNoList of Outlook mail messagesThe email message(s) to process. Use a variable populated by a 'Retrieve email messages from Outlook' action
OperationN/ADelete email messages, Move email messages to mail fodler, Mark as unreadMove email messages to mail fodlerSpecifies which operation to perform on the specified email messages
Mail folderNoText valueThe name of the folder to retrieve messages from. Enter the full folder path for subfolders (e.g., InboxWork)
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables

Microsoft Office Automator Actions Download

Failed to find Outlook accountIndicates that the specified Outlook account doesn't exist
Specified mail-folder doesn't existIndicates that the specified mail folder doesn't exist
Failed to process email messages in OutlookIndicates a problem processing the specified email messages in Outlook

Save Outlook email messages

Save Outlook email messages given an account

Input Parameters
Automator actions office 2016 crack
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Outlook instanceNoOutlook instanceThe Outlook instance to work with. Specify this variable in a 'Launch Outlook' action
AccountNoText valueThe name of the Outlook account (data file name) to work with
Email message(s) to saveNoList of Outlook mail messagesThe email message(s) to save. Use a variable populated by a 'Retrieve email messages from Outlook' action
Save formatN/AText only (.txt), Outlook template (.oft), Outlook message format (.msg), Outlook message format - Unicode (.msg), HTML (.html), MHT files (.mht)Outlook message format (*.msg)Specifies the format to save the messages
File nameN/ADefault, CustomDefaultSpecifies whether to save the messages using the default name (subject) or provide another
Save asNoText valueSpecifies the custom name for messages' name which differs from message to message by an automatically added suffix
Save email message(s) toNoFolderThe folder to save the messages to
Variables Produced
StoredMessagesFilesList of Text valuesThe file paths of the saved email messages for later processing
Failed to find Outlook accountIndicates that the specified Outlook account doesn't exist
Directory not foundIndicates that the specified email message(s) couldn't be saved because the directory doesn't exist
Email message is deleted or moved to another folderIndicates that the specified email message(s) couldn't be saved because they are moved or deleted
Failed to save email message(s)Indicates a problem saving the specified email message(s)

Respond to Outlook mail message

Respond to an Outlook message, by replying, replying to all or forwarding it

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Outlook instanceNoOutlook instanceThe Outlook instance to work with. Specify this variable in a 'Launch Outlook' action
AccountNoText valueThe name of the Outlook account (data file name) to work with
Mail messageNoOutlook mail messageThe mail message to act upon. Use a variable populated by a 'Retrieve email messages from Outlook' action
Response actionN/AReply, Reply all, ForwardReplySpecifies whether to reply (to sender or all) with a message or forward the received message
ToNoText valueThe email address(es) of the recipient(s). To enter more than one email address, separate the list of addresses by spaces or semicolons
CCYesText valueThe email address(es) of the CC recipient(s). To enter more than one email address, separate the list of addresses by spaces or semicolons
BCCYesText valueThe email address(es) of the BCC (hidden) recipient(s). To enter more than one email address, separate the list of addresses by spaces or semicolons
BodyYesText valueThe text of the body
Attachment(s)YesList of FilesThe full path of any attachment(s). Enclose multiple files in double quotes (') and separate them by a space character
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Failed to find Outlook accountIndicates that the specified Outlook account doesn't exist
Failed to send emailIndicates a problem sending the email
Attachment not foundIndicates that the specified attachment(s) don't exist

Close Outlook

Close a previously launched Outlook instance

Input Parameters

Automator Actions Office 2016

ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Outlook instanceNoOutlook instanceThe Outlook instance to work with. This variable is specified in a 'Launch Outlook' action
Automator actions office 2016 product
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Failed to close Outlook instanceIndicates a problem closing the Outlook instance