Petz 4 Clothing Mods

Petz 4 is the combination of two programs designed to go together: Catz 4 and Dogz 4. Both have the same play scenes and most of the same objects; they just have different species that come with them. The program is fairly simple and easy to predict and manipulate; it’s an old program designed for Windows 95 & 98. However, it is not without its charms and Easter eggs.

  1. Tinker is a program to edit toys, clothes on-shelf graphics, playscene items, and other filmstrips for Petz 2,3,4,5, Babyz and Oddballz. Tinker also lets you edit the Petz 5 toycase to allow you to add custom toys to your toycase. Note that you should not add the Hermit Crab to your toycase - it will cause a blank entry in the toycase to appear.
  2. Dogz 4 and Catz 4 (1999) were the last titles developed by P.F. Magic, although their features were originally advertised as DLC in the Petz 3 manuals. They introduced non-breedable pig and bunny breedfiles, as well as extra playscenes and clothing items.
  3. Petz in the game can become attracted to one another and breed to produce offspring. This feature was introduced in Petz 3 and has also appeared in Petz 4 and Petz 5. In Petz 3 and Petz 4, a petz couple could only produce one kitten/puppy per breeding, but in Petz 5 a mother can bear up to four offspring per litter.
  4. Petz in the game can become attracted to one another and breed to produce offspring. This feature was introduced in Petz 3 and has also appeared in Petz 4 and Petz 5. In Petz 3 and Petz 4, a petz couple could only produce one kitten/puppy per breeding, but in Petz 5 a mother can bear up to four offspring per litter.

Mar 14, 2021 COOL NEW STUFF! All of the downloads on this site are made for petz 4. IMPORTANT NOTE:If any of the downloads aren't working or giving a not found error, try clearing your browser's cache and refreshing the page! If it still doesn't work, please shoot me an email at or message me on tumblr!

The program does little to tax the modern computer; it was designed for older systems and ran quite well on my old computer with the 4GB hard drive. It will run on Windows XP and Vista, but only with the sound disabled (sound can be turned off under Options > General Options). It also crashes occasionally in the newer Windows versions, but usually at predictable times – so that one can avoid the crashes by simply re-starting the program when a crash is around the corner.

All of the critters available in Petz 4 are furry things made up of many furry spheres of varying sizes. The Catz 4 program comes with ten breeds of Catz and one bonus animal, the Bunny; likewise, the Dogz 4 program comes with ten breeds of Dogz and a Pig as the bonus animal. Most of the Dogz and Catz breeds are ordinary purebreds with specific markings and personalities. However, one Dogz breed is the “Mutt” – which has a similar appearance and coat variance to a Labrador in the game, and has a specific personality. The more interesting counter-breed on the Catz side of the spectrum is the “Alley Cat” – an unfortunate-looking creature with a kinked tail and vocalizations reminiscent of a long-term smoker’s.

You start off at the adoption center, where you can choose the species and breed of the Petz you want to bring out. Then the Petz comes through the doors into the play area, where you can spend time with the Petz and check out each different personality of the Petz breeds. Several breeds have some amount of variance in eye and coat color; these, along with the Petz’ gender, are chosen randomly when the Petz appears at the Adoption Center doors.

Once you’ve chosen and adopted your Petz, they are taken to the Family Room play scene. The yellow “suitcase” on the screen is where most of the important controls are. An arrow button allows you to expand the suitcase and store up to nine objects inside it (and then compact the suitcase once it’s full, so that the Petz do not go up to the suitcase and bat different objects out of it). The camera button allows you to photograph your Petz. The “pick a pet” buttons are used to select the Petz you want to bring out – but another Petz can only be brought out once at least one of the Petz on screen is put away. You must right-click on the Petz to pick them up, and then drop them over the door to put them away. However, it’s a good idea to have a mouse that you’re very comfortable with, because those little buggers run fast and can be very difficult to catch.

The last important button on the suitcase – the “Go To” button – allows you to select any play scene to travel to. You can go back to the Adoption Center to fetch more Petz, to the Clothes Closet to dress the Petz in ridiculous outfits, to the Toy Closet where a wide variety of objects are available in unlimited supply, or to play scenes around the house and around the world. You can also use the Go To menu to select the play scene editor, where they can create a Petz play scene based off of any properly-sized image.

The outside-the-house play scenes can also include Host Characters (these can be turned off in “General Options” if the player chooses). The host characters include an Alley Cat outlaw for the Wild West scene, and an Indiana Jones dog for the Arabia scene. These play scenes also have strange and exotic objects that show up in them – skulls, gems, and coins on the South Seas Island; fossils and tumbleweeds in the Wild West; and a basket with a snake that can be charmed in Arabia (use the flute from the Toy Closet to charm it). Some of these play scenes also have objects large, fixed objects that change when the program is opened – like the balloon machine and the confetti-ball-firing cannon in the Gypsy Circus, or the dancing hermit crabs at the Beach.

Some scenes – both at the house and away from it – include mouse holes, which mice may exit from unless the mouse holes are closed in General options. There is one white mouse and one grey mouse, and you are free to torment them as you wish. The least of these mouse’s worries are the Catz, which will simply pounce on them, bat them around, and then release them. You can pick them up and hold them for any length of time, hang them on hooks by the fireplace in the Family Room, or simply paint them ridiculous colors. However, if you want to give the mice a treat for putting up with all the torment, just grab a hunk of cheese from the Toy Closet and set it out. They will grab a piece of it and carry it off to their hole.

The kitchen play scene will also get cockroaches if you leave food out. You can clean up the food and set out a roach motel to get rid of them, but it’s more fun to watch the Petz chase them around. They’re rather tricky to catch though, and can’t be tormented like the mice.

Petz 4 Clothing Mods Download

Other than that…the game can get very repetitive, very fast. It has some re-playability, which is involved with the Petz 4 life cycle. The only way to avoid boredom is to have a mission in breeding your Petz for certain characteristics.

Arienne Keith is a Vox Ex Machina reader who wanted to submit her own take on the video games she grew up with. This is a review of Petz 4, Part 1 of 2.


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Here you can find a list of common terms, words etc used in the world of petz! If there is a word in the PC that you have heard several times but do not understand, email me and I can tell you what it means, if I know :) This list was originally at: If there are any new terms, that I am missing, please email me.

AC - Short for Adoption Center. Also Allley Cat.
AAC -AAC -- Auto Adoption Center
Adoption Application - You will sometimes need to fill out one of these to apply for a pet that you would like to adopt.
Aptitude - A type of trial for catz, held by the Petz Kennel Club.
Appy - Short for Application, see Adoption Application.
AXE - A program used to hex petz.
Aussie - Short for Australian shepherd.

.BMP -- type of picture, not allowed due to large file size
Babyz - Another game by PF.Magic, where you take care of babies.
BBL - Stands for 'Be Back Later'.
BC - Short for Babyz Community or Border Collie.
BMD - Short for Bernese Mountain Dog, a hexed breed.
BMG - Short for The Breedmakers' Guild, a club that registers breeds made by selective breeding (more about selective breeds under 'selective breed').
Bob, bobbed - Petz that have had their tails 'cut off' by hexing. The japanese bobtail and the desert lynx have natural bobbed tails.
Brb - Short for 'Be right back'. Bump -- means one is 'bumping' up their post to make people see it; mostly done on Adoptions and shows; often done with infamous [image] icon
BW, B+W -- B&W Shorthair

C - Short for Calico
Cali - Calico
Call name - Your petz short name, what you usually call it.
Ch - A title that stands for 'Champion' that is applied to a pet that has won at least 10 pose show points.
Champion - A pet that has reached enough points to be counted as a show champion, either via pose shows or kennel club shows.
Checksum - When hexing a pet file it's important to keep the checksum, the 'size' of a file, the same. When hexing breed files, you do not need to worry about the checksum, but the length of the file must still be the same (if you add bytes, you must delete as many bytes somewhere else in the file etc)
Conformation - A type of show held by kennel clubs.
Cropping - Giving a dogz that normally has hanging ears standing ones, using hexing, such as putting great dane ears on a dalmatian.

Dali - short for dalmatian.
Dali pose - a pose where the dog is looking at the camera, showing its whole face. For dogz, in shows, legs aligned, head facing you and aligned with front legs as much as possible
Dane - Short for great dane.
DKC - Dogz Kennel Club, a kennel club for dogz owners that hold shows and other trials. For dogz, in shows, legs aligned, one eye showing on head, good carriage of head
Double texed - A term used to describe a petz that has several textures, read more under 'textures'.
Downloadable - A pet or item that can be downloaded directly from a website.

EPCPS - Perhaps the most famous petz site ever, when it was still running! EPCPS (which was originally known as CDAC) was the first site that ever posted hexed breeds for download (the chinese crested for Dogz II).
Eye patch - A petz that has been hexed to have a patch, consisting of one or several spots, around its eye.

Flares - Petz that have had their legs hexed to be bigger and fuzzier, giving the impression of flares on the legs.
Floppy - May be A) a dog with hanging ears or B) a great dane with hanging ears.
Freebie - A pet that you can adopt without having to define a reason for doing so.

GCh - Stands for Grand champion. A title applied to petz that has won at least 15 pose show points.
GS - Short for german shepherd dog.

Halfie - A hexed pet with a spot formation giving the appearance of a bi-coloured pet that is one colour on the right side, and one colour on the left side.
Hex - Altering breeds, pet files, toys etc, usually in a special program. Hex editing requires experience and knowledge, but there are many tutorials that can help you, and it's not as hard as it may seem at first. Hexing is officially breaking copyrght laws, but Ubi Soft has stated in their Instruction books for Petz that they do not mind this.
Hexed ancestry - A petz with hexed relatives, e.g a hexed mother.
Hexie - A hexed petz
Hex coloured - A petz that has had its colours changed in a hex program.
Hex Workshop - The most common program for hex editing.
Hound - A selective breed that bear resemblance to a dali/dane mixie - something like a dane, but with hanging ears.

Inbreeding - When members of the same family are bred together.


JB -- Japanese Bobtail
JFJ -- short for JinxFoldJulie
.JPG -- type of picture, allowed but distorts image and is often not liked for shows
JRT -- Jack Russel Terrier



Leppie -- Leopard Shepherd, a hexed dogz breed from Moonoracle
LMAO - Stands for 'laughs my ass off'.


Meez -- Siamese
Meez Pose -- special siamese pose
Meezer -- Siamese
Meezer - nickname for siamese catz.
Meezer pose - See siamese pose
MGCh - Stands for Master Grand Champion. A title that is applied to petz with at least 20 pose show points.
Mindscape -- creators of Petz 4 and Babyz
Mixie -- Mixed Breed
Mods -- Moderators. Those nice people who help take care of the board.
MPC- Meezer Pointed Calico
MPA- Short for My Petz Adoptions. MPA's are petz that were previously owned by the site owner, but are now up for adoption.
Muttlie -A hexed breed, resembles a small, smooth-haired sheepdog.
Muttly - See Muttlie.

MC -- Maine Coon

Non-overwriting breedfiles - Hexed breedfiles that show up in the Adoption Center. All you need to do is place it in the right folder.

Oddballz - another program by PF.Magic, where you take care of fantasy animals.
Original breeds - The total of 30 petz breeds that are found in the game when you first install them - the breeds that are not hexed.
OSH - Short for orange shorthair.
OWBF - Short for Overwriting Breedfiles.
Overwriting breedfiles - Hxed breedfiles that overwrite the original breed that they were hexed from. You need to save the original file somewhere safe.

Paintshop Pro - A program often used to make graphics. Shareware version can be downloaded from
Pastels - nickname for the popular sites that were in the PC a few years ago.
Pastoral - Herding dog breeds, such as the collie.
- Short for Petz Community.
Petz Debugger - A nifty little utility tool used to change petz' health, age and more. Link to a site where you can download it is available at my Resources page.
- the company that originally created Petz. By many viewed as the 'true' owner of Petz.
PBGV - Short for Petite Basset Griffon Vendéen, a dog breed that looks like a shaggy basset.
Pick of the litter - The breeder's favourite puppy/kitten in a litter. You might have to fill out a slightly longer form for the POTL, than for its siblings.
POTL - See Pick of The Litter.
PKC - Petz Kennel Club. A kennel/cattery club for petz owners, that holds shows and other trials.
Poodle pose - A special pose that only poodles and poodle mixies perform. The most preferred poodle pose is when the poodle is laying down, looking forward with its eyes open.
Pose - See Show poses.
Pose show - A type of petz show where winners are decided after how good the poses of the petz are. Also look under 'show poses'.
Prefix - A short word or a few intials that you add to your petz' show name to mark that it's yours, or was bred by you. I usually use NB for instance. Prefixes go before the name itself.
PSP - See Paintshop Pro.


Rc - Stands for Reserve champion. A title that may be applied to A) Petz that has at least 5 pose show points, or B) A petz that has at least 5 points in a PKC show.
Rch - Another way to write Rc, only used among pose show petz.
Resource Hacker - A program used to hex petz. It's quite different from, for example, Hex Workshop.
ROFL - Stands for 'Rolling/Rolls on floor laughing'.

SB - See selective breed.
Selective breed - A breed that has been created through breeding petz with the traits you want, until all their puppies/kittens breed true (look like their parents). A breed is not a true selective breed until it breeds true. A breed requires 5 generations of 'looking the same' before it breeds true.
SGCh - Stands for Supreme Grand Champion. A title that is applied to petz that has at least 30 pose show points. Originally the highest tittle possible, but some people have added more titles over the years.
Siamese pose - A special pose that only siameses and siamese mixes perform. There are several variations, and none seem to be the most preferred, as far as I know.
Sheepie - Short for Sheepdog.
Show name - Most petz are given a special show name, which includes the owner's and/or breeder's prefix as well as a often rather poetic and long name. Petz usually have call names as well. For instance, I have a pet named NB's Always Hurry, her call name, what I normally call her, is just Bee.
Show poses - A special pose that your pet will perform sometimes when you take several photos of it. These are used in shows, and there are strict rules when it comes to how a pose should look. All breeds can pose, but it requires different amounts of work for different breeds.
Skunk stripe - A hexed pet with a spot formation that looks like a stripe down its back, sort of like a skunk.
Suffix - Like a prefix, except that it goes after the petz show instead of before it. Often the words of or at are used, like 'NB's Always Hurry' would be 'Always Hurry of NB'.

TPB -- The Petz Board; currently closed, I believe
Taggy --Tag-board
Tammie - See tamsin.
Tamsin - A selective breed that should basically be a dalmatian with mutt patches. Comes in many variations. It was Star of Starswept who first wrote the standard for the tamsin, though this type of dog is very old, it had never had it's own 'name' before.
Tasmin -- Misspelling of Tamsin; last time I checked, Tasmin was either an island, or a Tasmanian Devil
Textures - All petz (unless deleted through hexing) have textures 'under the fur', that can be changed through hexing. A hexed texed petz can for example have had its texture changed to another, sometimes they can be very colourful.
Title -- Something you put infront of a Petz show name that shows how many show points they have. Eg. Grand Champion when the pet has 15 or more points.
Transparent - In the PC, mainly a picture with a see-through part, usually the background. Transparent backgrounds can be made in for example PSP.
Trotter - A dogz that is rather clumsy, often falls when you put it down and likes to trot, in other words its movements are similar to sheepdogs.

Ubi Soft - Current owner of the Petz products.
Ubi GS -- The German Shepherd that comes with Petz 5
URL - The adress to a website, mine, for example, is

VIM - A program used to hex petz.
VKC - Virtual Kennel Club

Wildz - Petz files that have been hexed to look like wild animals.
WIP - Work In Progress, term commonly used by hexers


YW - Stands for 'You're welcome',


Petz 4 Clothing Mods Free

Recreated on 03 November 2005

Petz 4 Clothing Mods Pc

Updated 30 March 2008